NCL General Practice Recovery Survey

Closed 31 Jul 2020

Opened 6 Jul 2020


North Central London CCG wants to hear from practices about their preparedness to safely deliver primary care services in line with current national and regional guidance.


Thank you for your continued efforts delivering high quality care during the Covid19 pandemic. 

Now we have moved beyond the initial peak, the NHS is focussed on and working towards recovery planning, with the aim of safely delivering the fullest range of health and care services to all. 

Nationally, Covid19 has impacted upon all parts of the system, including primary care. Key documents to help practices adapt and respond have been published, including the latest version of the guidance and standard operating procedure (SOP) for General Practice in the context of coronavirus, as well as the London principles of managing infection prevention and control (IPC) in General Practice whilst caring for all patients during the Covid19 pandemic.

In North Central London we want to hear from practices about their preparedness to safely deliver primary care services in line with the guidance set out in these documents, any intentions for working together to achieve these aims, potential challenges, and what support may be needed to get there.

In order to support this work we have developed this survey in consultation with the LMC and NCL Federations

This data is vital to supporting NCL CCG working with system partners on recovery planning, and any need for a dedicated Covid Symptom service incorporating a face-to-face hub and home visiting services. We also want to explore whether primary care services may be safely delivered ‘at scale’ in these circumstances. 

Information will only be used by NCL CCG for these aims. It will not be shared with any other NHS organisation, or used for assurance or performance management. And this data will only be stored for as long as it supports Covid19 recovery planning.

We have sought to ensure the survey is straightforward to complete, and your responses are crucial to help us understand the capacity, capability and challenges within primary care as we move into the recovery phase of the Covid19 pandemic.



  • All Areas


  • GP Practice Clinical Staff


  • General NHS care