Feedback - PPG Forum 18 October 2018

Closed 16 Nov 2018

Opened 31 Oct 2018


We would like to know what you thought about the PPG Forum held on Thursday 18th October (2018).

Your feedback will help us to plan the next event, and make sure it's even better.

Please be honest, and be specific about what you enjoyed and found useful, and what you thought could be improved. Responses to this survey will be reviewed by members of CPPEG (Camden Patient and Public Engagement Group). Everything you say in the survey will be confidenital. 

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.

Hilary Lance


What happens next

The survey results will be discussed by CPPEG members, who will help shape the next PPG Forum.

A summary of the results will be sent to the people that completed the survey and shared in the PPG newsletter.



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